Need for Religion

13 07 2007

While I condemn a Religion of Rules, I must not be understood to hold the opinion that there is no necessity for a religion. On the contrary, I agree with Burke when he says that, ” True religion is the foundation of society, the basis on which all true Civil Government rests, and both their sanction.” Consequently, when I urge that these ancient rules of life be annulled, I am anxious that its place shall be taken by a Religion of Principles, which alone can lay claim to being a true Religion. Indeed, I am so convinced of the necessity of Religion that I feel I ought to tell you in outline what I regard as necessary items in this religious reform.

N. B :- As can be read from quotation “What is Hindu Religion” Dr. Ambedkar treated Hinduism as set of rules (not of principles) and hence in the above quotation the condemnation and outline of reform are directed towards Hinduism, which he outlines afterwards.

Annihilation of castes. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches



One response

13 07 2007

Hindus are traditional oppressors, it is futile to expect any dhamma from them.

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